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The Moloch: a setting sourcebook for KULT

Chapter 15: Reset

No sooner said than done, Peter and Natalie find themselves in the dark - they are obviously in the back of a VW bus which is moving. Kurt is on the wheel - and he is driving the VW bus down the street where he used to live. And there is a small man on the street before him, who has just climbed out of a black limousine and is heading for his door with an attache case under his arm.

Kurt brings down his foot on the gas pedal.

Kurt runs down the man who is about to enter his flat, while another Kurt (the one who lives in this time frame) watches this but doesn't see or recognize the driver.

Later, when they've come to uneasy terms with the temporal situation, both Peter and Kurt go to their respective counterparts to warn them about what is going to happen. As a consequence the two go to the police department the next morning with a certain expectation (when you're confronted by yourself you're willing to believe even the weirdest shit). They leave alive and on the run; they also retrieve the list of people who were visited by the man before he was run down in front of Kurt's place. They hand it over to the PCs and go on to fend for themselves.

Or do they? In the meantime Kurt notices that his leg grows worse. It has begun to quickly develop demonic features: the knee now bends backwards (which gives him a rather silly walk), it has three taloned toes facing front and a small one facing backwards, making shoes impossible; and it is lilac in colour, and comes with scales.

On Friday Kurt meets Platon who tells him something about the nature of time. In a magical ritual Platon ages Kurt well over hundred, then calls him back, to show him how time is relative. He then shows him a multidimensional creature trapped in the deeper recesses of Platon's vault: it's an Aetate, a being which hunts those whose sense of time strays from the accepted one. It is all jaws and shifting dimensions. One of these, says Platon, will take up Kurt's track if it hasn't already. Platon will help Kurt to trap it, but he has to learn a lot before that can happen. Meanwhile he gives him an amulet to hide his temporal signature. He tells Kurt that there will be further lessons soon - but it will not come to this.

On Saturday Natalie meets her sister Susanne - she wants her not to go to the club tonight as this is when she will be discovered as a model. But her will is weak - Susanne instead talks her into joining her, and soon they are both being discovered by the photographer as a twin act.

In the morning of that Saturday Peter meets his other self again - his family had been abducted while he was in his office securing the files on the case which he knew the whole thing was linked to. For Saturday afternoon the kidnappers had arranged a meeting to hand over the files. Our Peter had the idea to have the other Peter contact inspector Lehmann about this. Both Lehmann and our Peter later indepedently watch the exchange go awry as a limousine turns up and the other Peter and the files are unceremoniously collected. But our Peter, seeing but not wanting to meet Lehmann and befuddle him, then goes back to his home where he knows his other self has hidden copies of the files and takes them.

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